11th & 12th April 2025


The Dalby Show Society is in it’s 154rd, During these 154 years of the society running there has only been three times the show hasn’t been able to be held, the reasonings are, the Spanish Flu hit Australia, The second year of World War II and also when Covid-19 hit Australia.
Over these 154 years you could imagine how much has changed and how the show has evolved. Just some of the things that are no longer at the show are the wonderful Horse Trots and the one everyone would remember, The Fred Brophy Boxing Tent. Even though the show has moved to become of age with the society, there is still the Machinery Displays, the horse events, Cattle Show and Sheep dog Trails as well as the famous dagwood dogs, fairy floss and Show rides.
Lucky Gate Entry Number Draw
As you come through the gates you will be issued with a Wristband. This wristband is your gate entry number to enter the Lucky gate Number Draw, you have a chance to win prizes from one of our major Sponsor Nut,Bolts ,Fasteners and Industrial Dalby who are running this competition. All you have to do to enter is head down to the Parsons Pavilion and see the boys down there on how to enter, while you’re their check out all the amazing tools and accessories and Show deals they have.
Free Kids Activities
Our Famous Kids Activites are back for another year, these activities are FREE for kids of all ages, even those young at heart. Our kids activities are related to the Agricultral Industry some are even jobs that have to be done, like our famous Sheep Shearing. These activites can become very competive with the children. The sheep shearing is just our Lazy wooden sheep who are pretty woolly and need shearing. Of course this is a timed event but can also get messy with the wool (Shaving Cream) flying everywhere.
We have also brought back our Hobby Horse Races. These are no ordinary races with jumps and barrels added into the mix for our stick horses, they love this time of year.

Sheepdog Trails
The sheepdog trails first got underway in Australia in 1870 in the country town of Forbes in the western district of New South Wales. It is a popular hobby today for both the primary producer who use their dogs for work and recreation and the sheepdog enthusiast who pursues this sport for pleasure and to keep this tradition alive.
Queensland boasts an average of 200 runs per trial which makes it an extremely gruelling competition attracting many top handlers and their very clever and well-trained dogs.
There is the one handler who works three sheep through a designated course that consists of a gap, bridge, and pen. This course has been the same for 140+ years with some small refinements. These Handlers are all trialling to obtain a score out of 100.
These trials are one thing to check out at the 2 days of the show!

Stud Cattle
The Stud Beef Cattle judging is where breeders from across the downs come together to showcase some of their best genetics. The judges are looking for the best of the best in each class, they are looking for a good framed bull with good genetics. They are also looking for a good framed heifer that will produce a calf that’s not a large framed animal.
There is also categories that showcase the hard work of the handlers. These handlers must understand the animal they are leading and how best to present their animal to the judge. These handlers can range from as young as 5 to as old as 25. the winning handler of each class heads of to the Darling Downs Sub Chamber competition to represent Dalby and from their if they win they head to the EKKA to represent the Darling Downs.

Our competitions are on again in the Knowles and Knox Pavilions. There is plenty for everyone from, Floral Art, Pot and bush house Plants to Fine Art and handicraft. There’s also the wonderful artworks and cooking from the kids as well as the Lego and sewing completed by the children and adults. You’ll see the schools displays from the districts.
We also have the photography section that has some very talented photographers
Go check it out and see if you see your designs.

Horse Events
Our horse section is back again for another year, with sections for all ages and all breeds of horse. Show jumping and Stockman’s Challenge will be run throughout Friday starting from 8am, you can catch them in the main arena outside. Something for everyone to sit down and watch.
Led, Hunter and hack competitions. These events will be run throughout Saturday starting from 8am, you can catch them in the main arena outside. Something for everyone to sit down and watch.
With most of these classes the rider is competing for points to attend the Ekka. Most of these riders follow a certain show circuit to gain these points and experience.

Our Fireworks are back bigger and better than ever thanks to Graham Winters Smash repairs for their ongoing sponsorship towards the fireworks that makes our show what it is.

Viv’s Farm Animals
Viv’s Farm animals is a large interacting farm, with Goats, chickens, alpacas, lambs, ducks, and guinea pigs just to name a few. People of all ages can spend time touching, holding brushing and feeding the animals for free. 9 am every morning you get the opportunity to bottle feed the animals so be sure to get in quick to Viv’s Farm animals.
The event that everyone loves at the show is the Rodeo. Our Rodeo will be on Saturday evening running through until 8pm. This year’s rodeo will see the return of the mini, junior, novice and open bull rides as well as the barrel racing. We are also bringing back to the show the Saddle Bronc and Bareback rides. Thanks to Halls rodeo for running the rodeo.

Christie Lamb
This year after the Rodeo we have the pleasure of having Christie Lamb has been described as ‘the full package’. She is a powerhouse vocalist and a vibrant multi-instrumental, award winning singer songwriter.
The talented songstress is a CMAA Golden Guitar Winner and has a loyal country fan base. She was voted ‘CMC New Oz Artist of the Year ’ and was later crowned ‘CMC Female Artist of the Year’ by country music fans.
You can catch Christie playing on the stage in front of the Bar area after the rodeo and fireworks, be sure to stick around for the music. If you don’t wish to drink but still would like to see and hear Amber play, we are lucky enough to have upstairs of the undercover arena where families can enjoy the music.